Monday, January 26, 2009

Training: Day #8

Last Friday evening, I had the pleasure of joining Mandi at the church for an evening of fellowship, dinner, and games with her MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) group. As usual, it was an enjoyable evening and I was blessed to have the opportunity. The group began the evening by giving an appreciation gift to those of us dads whose wives are on the leadership team for the group. The gift was a keychain in the shape of a shield, and called the shield of faith. On the back is printed the Bible verse from Joshua 1:9, which says, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." As I read this verse, I was immediately struck by the relevance as I continue my training for the marathon.

Fast forward to last night, and the final day of the second full week of training. Yesterday's long run was a six-mile journey, and one of which I was terrified. I honestly did not believe I had the endurance to run an entire six miles without having to walk at least a small portion. I didn't feel like I was being negative, rather, simply realistic. After dressing for the cold and light falling snow, I went into my room for a few moments of silence. I literally got down on my knees, bowed my head, and thanked God for the blessing of health and the ability to even try this marathon training. I didn't ask for God's assistance during the impending run, I simply offered my thanks. I then stood, read the verse printed on the aforementioned Shield of Faith, placed it in the palm of my hand, and put my glove on over it. Out the door I went.

Trudging through the snow and facing a light, but bitter, North wind, I made my way along the previously mapped six-mile route. As I ran, my thoughts turned to my wife who has been so gracious in her support of this crazy idea. Even as I left, she looked me in the eye and told me she believed in me, and that she knew I could complete this run. I thought of my kids, who have acted as my personal cheerleading squad. And, I continued to clutch the Shield of Faith with every step. As I entered the final leg of the run, it became obvious to me that these last two weeks of training are beginning to pay off. Not once did I walk, even after climbing some pretty decent hills. Not once did I stop. I was feeling the burn, but not enough to force me to quit. As I took the last few steps of the run, I extended my arms in the air to celebrate my personal victory. This training is every bit mental as it is physical, and I had just overcome a mental block. You bet I was celebrating, and I didn't care how many people passing me on 1st Street thought I was nuts or wondered what I was doing. It was a great feeling!

I now have 31 miles under my belt over the last two weeks, and am ready for week #3 beginning tomorrow.

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