Saturday, July 5, 2008

Catchin' Up

Here it is the fifth of July already, and I noticed the date on my last post was June 3rd. Wow. The last four weeks have been nothing short of a blur. As mentioned in that last post, we did get moved and are only beginning to "settle in." I call this particular change in housing my first real move, only because all of my previous moves were very simple - I had only myself to move. This time, however, we had a family of five to move. Much more than merely a couple of pickup loads. It was quite the daunting task, but even more daunting is the looming task of unpacking, deciding where to store things, and making the new house our home. Still, there is a strong sense of excitement as we walk the halls of the new house. Mandi and I often find ourselves commenting how much we love it, sometimes several times a day. Good stuff, and thanks to our dear friends Nicki and Alex and their daughter Hailey, as well as my brother and his wife, for all of their fantastic assistance in moving. We couldn't have done it without them!

And I'll be darned if my favorite holiday of the year has come to pass already. I will indeed be darned. Yes, the 4th of July, 2008 is in the history books, and I now have the excruciatingly long wait until next year before I can once again hold a beer in one hand, an explosive in the other, and feel good about it. I made the most of the holiday this year, as Mandi and I spend the evening of the third with close friends, beer, live music, and, of course, fireworks. Yesterday was Mandi's birthday, so I let her sleep in while the kids and I ate breakfast and headed out to get some fireworks for them. We then took Mandi to lunch at Applebees, and were joined by the aforementioned Nicki, Alex, and Hailey. After lunch, we came home to watch the kids shoot fireworks, then I headed off to help shoot a display for the town of Fremont. It was the biggest show I've ever been a part of, and it was amazing. Big shells, and lots of them!

Well, that quickly and briefly catches you up to the latest with the Campbell Clan. I hope this slacker blogger can soon begin posting on more of a regular basis, as I have lots of topics but just so little precious time right now. Here's to all of you, and I hope your journeys are continuing to be good ones!
