Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Bucket List

Mandi and I had a rare opportunity last night to watch a movie together after the kids were tucked into bed, and after going through the list of pay-per-view options, we settled on The Bucket List. We had both heard good things about the movie, and two of our favorite actors (Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) star in it, so we figured it wouldn't be a bad choice.

And a bad choice it was not. I've written frequently in the past on the subject of death because I find it fascinating on several fronts, the most interesting of which is how vastly different the topic is viewed from person to person. One would be hard-pressed to find the same views and/or understanding of death in talking to any number or group of people. The Bucket List approaches the subject of death, and how a person might react in learning his or hers living days are numbered. It's a serious subject, but spun with Nicholsen's sense of humor and Freeman's philosophical personality, I found myself laughing out loud several times. I found myself at the end of the movie with a smile on my face, yet the wheels of thought spinning wildly. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would highly recommend it.

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