Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Awhile back, I mentioned the possibility of offering some diet tips on my blog, and I think it's time I follow through. Let me state, however, that I certainly know that I do not have all the answers. My tips come from Dr.'s Oz and Roizen, who's plan is simple and makes a whole ton of sense - to me. Not everyone may like it as much as I do, and it may not fit your lifestyle. To each their own, and especially when it comes to dieting. That said, I believe the best way to begin any diet is to start with the right frame of mind. You can't go into your plan thinking you are on a diet. The very word itself seems to express a sort of negativism, probably due in part to our culture's understanding of a diet. Restrictions...can't have...bad for you...not so much...smaller...too fat..........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!! It's enough to drive a person crazy! In addition, a diet seems to suggest a temporary solution. "I'm going on a diet, and as soon as I lose the amount I need to, I'll go back to living how I was before I began." This seems, to me, to be a recipe for disaster. Thus, I have adopted the idea of a lifestyle change. I'm not a diet, rather I am changing the way I think about food and exercise - permanently. I'm not restricting my body or putting it through a living hell, rather I am enhancing my God-given abilities by feeding my body exactly what it needs to be efficient, energized, and alive. It's a lifestyle change. It's a new understanding of what and how to eat, and how to help my body feel great with exercise. Best of all? It's working!!! For those of you who are attempting a lifestyle change, I'd love to hear your thoughts, wisdom, and successes. I'll continue to offer mine through the blog, and I encourage you to visit every couple of days. Thanks!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Kevin, congrats on the weight loss and renewed energy. I posted an update on my progress this morning too. I'm not familiar with the method put forth in the book you've read, but I agree wholeheartedly with the need for lifestyle change. Heather and I have found great success in reducing our carb intake (essentially Atkins) thanks to a family friend who is involved with carrying on Dr. Atkins' work. I look forward to continuing the conversation as we both work to become more healthy!