Thursday, February 22, 2007

Okay, so, it's not all about the 80's

Those of you who know me are well aware of my love and passion for 80's hair bands. Not so much because of their talents, because, quite frankly, there was very little in the talent pool. Nevertheless, the likes of Poison, Warrant, Cinderella, Quiet Riot, Firehouse, Great White, and many others, stirs up old memories of spandex, mullets, and stonewashed jeans. Wow, those were the days. Over the years, I have found myself searching the radio waves for stations whose genres inlude only '70's and '80's music, for the most part. Yes, I have become a close-minded fool since the demise of the power ballad and the fall of the screaming guitar. While I have been hellbent on keeping track of some of those old bands, an entire world of quality, intelligent music was passing me by, and I only discovered this through a recent series of events that I never would have predicted.
It all goes back to a year ago when a couple of good friends of ours decided to tie the knot. The day they picked for their wedding was the same day that Nickelback was in concert in Omaha. I had never even heard of Nickelback at the time, so you see, this is how out-of-the-loop I really was. I enjoyed, however, listening to the friendly banter between the groom, his bride-to-be, and one of the groomsmen about how the groom and this groomsman were going to somehow find a way to squeeze in the Nickelback concert and the wedding all in the same day. You can well imagine how those conversations went.
Fast-forward to this year, and I'll give you one guess as to who is in concert again in Omaha. So how does all of this pertain to me and my addiction to '80's rock? Well, my friend's wife decided to purchase two tickets to this year's concert and send her hubby and the aforementioned groomsman to the concert in a limo. Unfortuanetly, the groomsman recently encountered some serious back problems, which forced him to have surgery just a couple of days ago, so he's out for the concert. Guess who got a call about going to the Nickelback concert in a limo?? That's right - 'twas yours truly. So I have spent the past week downloading Nickeback tunes and discovering just who these guys are and why I should be looking forward to seeing them. In the process, I have come across lots of good rock bands, and I must say, I have tapped into a world which I am truly sorry I have missed over the last 10+ years. There is some really good music out there, and much of it is very current. So, I am here to say that I am opening my mind, world, and attitude to the reality that there really is more to life than '80's music! Nickelback, here I come! Still, folks, Every Rose Has Its Thorn, she's my Cherry Pie, and I'm Once Bitten, Twice Shy. Rock On!!!

1 comment:

Laura aka the Bead -a- holic said...

I agree with the 80's music I have digital cable and have vh1 classics that have blocks of the hair bands lol. I have to agree Nickleback is awesome and you might want to give Good Charlotte a try to they are an awesome band too. ttyl