Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tough Decision

Had a rather interesting conversation with one of the Battalion Chiefs for the Lincoln Fire Department a few days ago. I am part of the Incident Dispatch Team at work, which responds to major incidents such as multiple alarm fires, multiple casualty incidents, hazardous material incidents, etc. We were called out to a two-alarm fire at an old house converted into apartments, and my role during the incident was to sit in the LFR (Lincoln Fire and Rescue) command vehicle and keep a log of rig change outs, personnel on scene, and other various happenings pertaining to the incident. As I watched the firemen/women battle the large blaze, I asked the Chief if he knew yet what started the fire, and who originally called it in to the 911 center. He told me he wasn't sure on the specific details, but that the police department was the first on scene and a couple of the officers went inside the structure in an attempt to evacuate the building. They were successful, and no one was hurt, though a couple of pets didn't make it out. However, the Chief was not happy about the officer's rescue attempts and said he didn't appreciate them running into a burning building. He commented that they would get hurt one of these days. I didn't respond, but rather attempted to relive the scenario in my own mind. What would I have done had I been in the officer's position? I'm sworn to protect the community in which I live, and it's citizens. Do I risk my life in an attempt to save others, not knowing for sure whether my efforts will be successful, or if I will end up hurt, or worse? Or, do I wait and watch knowing there are folks inside who are sleeping and have no idea what is taking place? Personally, I'm sure I would go against the Chief's wishes and make every effort to assist those inside the structure. I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't. Thoughts?

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