Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh Mandi

I would like to spend this post paying special tribute to my beautiful wife. Mandi is such an amazing inspiration to me in even more ways than I can list. I work second shift these days which means I'm gone in the evening, and Mandi does the impossible by managing the house and meeting all of the kids' needs while I'm gone. To think she actually has the energy to spend a few minutes with me at the end of the day is beyond fathomable. The devotion she has to her family is a testimony to the wonderful person she has become. This past weekend brought to light just a couple of the ways Mandi has influenced and inspired me.

The biggest news came Saturday morning when Mandi weighed in at her weekly Weight Watcher's meeting. In six months, she has lost over 35 pounds and is now officially at her goal weight! She has worked incredibly hard to achieve this, even to the point of forcing herself to work out at the end of the day when she could easily throw in the towel and go to bed. She rarely misses her daily walk, and has remained very accountable for her daily food intake. Yet another way she inspires me to better myself.

Yesterday, Mandi's church group (MOPS - Mothers Of PreSchoolers) held their annual Appreciation Sunday in which they thank the church congregation for their support, financially and otherwise. This group of Mom's meets a couple of times a month to swap stories and hear speakers on parenting, marriage, and life in general. The group leader asked me if I would share a couple of stories from a husband's/father's perspective during yesterday's celebration, and I readily agreed. It gave me the opportunity to relay some personal experiences Mandi and I have had in our parenting journey, and to recognize Mandi for the kind of example she sets for our kids. We are a lucky bunch to have her in our lives!

I love you, Sweetheart!!

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