Thursday, May 1, 2008

United Methodist General Conference

You may or may not be aware that my religious background was cultivated in the United Methodist Church. My Grandfather was a Methodist pastor, my Grandmother spent years as an organist, teacher, and music director in the church, and I was in turn raised in the Methodist church. Even though I no longer attend a UM church, I try to keep up-to-speed on all the latest.

This year, the United Methodist General Conference convened, as it does every four years. I have been following it through Jeff's blog, and his post from earlier today was of particular interest to me. The conference debated the never-ending homosexuality issue, and the results of that debate and subsequent vote,, I'm at a loss for words to describe my feelings. Interesting is the first adjective that tempts me, but it doesn't seem adequate.

Tell ya what. I'll just let you read what I have read today, and you can form your own thoughts, opinions, and insight. I'd love to hear what you think, either by commenting on my blog, via email, or in person. Let's generate some good discussion. What'dya say?

Here's Jeff's post, entitled "General Conference - The Sexuality Issue." In Jeff's post, you'll find another link to a blog which summarizes the entire day of debate on this issue. Happy reading, and I can't wait to hear from you.

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