Saturday, February 14, 2009

Polar Plunge!

It just dawned on me...I don't think I've ever posted anything on my blog about this years' Polar Plunge. Doh! I know I put a note on my Facebook page, but I don't know how many folks read that and I'm sure there are those who read this blog but don't read Facebook. Anyway....

Hey - I am just 7 days away from participating in the Polar Plunge again this year to raise money for Special Olympics. I love this organization and what they stand for, and what they do for those who use their services. It's a wonderful cause, and one in which I am proud to support. I know times are tough right now, and I know not everyone is able to give. I totally understand - my family is pinching serious pennies right now, too. But, if you happen to have an extra dollar or two laying around that needs a home, would you consider throwing it towards Special Olympics, Nebraska? Your efforts help fund the Special Olympics, giving special needs folks wonderful opportunities to compete in athletic events, and more importantly, help raise their self-worth. It is truly fantastic!

Please visit my fund-raising page at This site is completely safe, and totally secure. That said, if you would feel better about a personal check, feel free to mail one to my address, made out to Special Olympics, Nebraska. You can mail it to the following:

Kevin Campbell
131 Sante Fe Trail
Lincoln, NE. 68521

Thanks so much for your consideration - I am nearing the halfway point of my $1000 goal, so any help you can provide would be most-appreciated. And a big thanks to those who have already donated - THANK YOU!!

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