When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a nanny when I grew up. So, obviously I never reached that goal, but I became something that is a MUCH bigger job! At the tender age of 21 when, for the first time, I was referred to as someone’s “Mommy”, I had no idea what kind of responsibility I was taking on, how my life would change, nor did I have any idea that when I turned 30, I would be madly in love with 3 gorgeous children and would give up my life at the drop of a dime for each one of them. Motherhood for me did not begin with ideal circumstances, but it didn’t take me long to realize that it was God’s wake-up call to change the direction my life was taking, and that Kaedyn, and now the girls, are on loan to this world to make it a better place, and to be an amazing blessing! I may be biased, but I definitely think they're already beginning to fulfill that purpose! What an honor it is that God chose little ol' me to be Mommy to Kaedyn, Madilyn, and Korynne. I love you, my honeys!

Most people dread turning 30, and are quick to tell others how dreadful it is. I can honestly say, I’m excited to be turning 30. I’m guessing that most people’s dread has to do with the fact that the older we get, the more downhill our bodies go, and I would never have imagined that I would be an exception to this! Yes, after 4 years of getting comfortable in married life, and 2 babies within 2 years, my body had gone downhill fast! So October 21st of last year, I finally decided to buckle down and do something about it! Now 8 months later, thanks to the encouragement of my loving husband and other family members, Weight Watchers, and Leslie Sansone’s 3-mile Walk Away the Pounds dvd, I’m 45 pounds lighter, looking and feeling better than I have in many, many years! When I joined WW, I wanted to be happier when I looked in the mirror, but I had no clue that the biggest transformation would happen on the inside! In addition to continuing to strive for a deeper faith walk with God, taking care of myself physically has given me more energy to take on life head-on, and I’ve been sucked out of the pit of depression and low self-esteem that being overweight can cause. With my new body, a renewed spirit, and a fresh new hair style… Another 30 years?… Bring it on!!
As far as the big day itself, when I’ll be celebrating 3 decades; 30 years; 360 months; 1,560 weeks; 10,950 days; 262,800 hours… okay, okay, that’s enough of that!! I started to feel old for a minute there! Every year, we have a fun get-together with family and friends to celebrate the 4th of July; soaking in the summer sun, eating lots of yummy food, watching a great fireworks show (sometimes I’m having so much fun & getting caught up in the day’s festivities that I almost forget it’s my birthday :). I’m not really much of a party animal anymore (that certainly has changed over the last few years!), so I’m looking forward to spending the Independence Day celebration the same way as in the past, and hoping to just have a fun evening out with some close friends if we can coordinate everyone’s schedules!
With Much Love, MANDI
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