Saturday, June 2, 2007

A "Weighty" Topic

It's been awhile since I posted anything about my battle of the bulge, and since I discovered something this week about how my body operates, I thought it a good time to share. You've probably heard it said once or twice from some knowledgeable folks in the healthy-living arena that you have to give your body time to drop the weight, since you certainly didn't gain the weight in a short period of time. You know, the old thought; "you can't expect to lose it all in a week. You didn't gain it all in a week!" Or something along those lines. I have discovered the opposite is actually true, at least to a point.

Allow me to take you back to Memorial Day Eve, which would have been last Sunday. My family attended an annual BBQ hosted by some close friends, and I found myself putting down a few barley sodas. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed a good beer, so I allowed myself to not worry too much about the potential damage to my weight loss efforts. Then the next day, my side of the fam met for a big Memorial Day brunch including omelets, blueberry pancakes, fresh fruit, and juices. It was fantastic! I was soon off to work for the day, where my coworkers and I would eventually feast on a BBQ potluck which we had thought would help ease the disgruntlement of having to work on a holiday. Lots of good times, and lots of good food.

When I stepped on the scale Tuesday morning, I had gained almost 9 pounds!! It only took me three days to reverse what normally takes me nearly three weeks to achieve. I was shocked, needless to say. I began practicing what I preach, though, and moved on. I didn't dwell on the setback, but kept working hard to continue the changes I had set forth for myself months ago. Believe it or not, I actually registered a 1.5-pound loss when I weighed in yesterday. Now, I don't have any idea what the biological explanation is behind such a big fluctuation, and frankly, I don't care. It probably has something to do with the beer, water retention, yada yada yada. I'm just happy to report that I was able to overcome the not-so-great eating decisions from the weekend, and am now at a grand weight-loss total of 75 pounds!

I haven't heard much lately from those of you who have been battling the bulge, as well. Please feel free to share your latest achievements, successes, and/or setbacks!!

Oh, and feel free now to take a moment and laugh yourself to tears or otherwise admire the cleverness of the title to this post. I know, I'm just a laugh a minute, ay? I'll be here all night....


  1. Congrats on loosing all of that weight! You look amazing! Keep it up!
    Lots of Love-
    Mark & Joslyn

  2. Kevin,
    You are such an inspiration!! You and Mandi both look great.
    Love, Pizza
