As I type this post, there is approximately 37 minutes remaining of 2007, and what a year it has been. As I look back on all the events, I must say the one achievement I am most proud of is my healthier living. As a result of choosing to eat right and exercise daily, I have lost right around 110 pounds. I feel better, look better, and fit into clothes I never dreamed I'd put on again.
All of that said, my weight loss has slowed way down over the last few weeks, and I took on an attitude of maintaining, as opposed to losing. I am disappointed in myself, to a degree, as I set a goal before the holidays to continue to lose despite the temptations of holiday goodies and heavier eating. Alas! As the end-of-the-year holiday traditions unfolded, I became a bit too weak. I haven't gained any weight back, but I haven't lost, and I haven't eaten nearly as healthy as I know I should.
Thus, I am making another resolution, just as I did on New Year's Day last year, to eat healthy and continue to shed the weight. I am also going to meet with several folks who are experienced marathon runners so that I might really get into the finer points of training to run that marathon in the Spring of 2009. It seems only fitting, as I celebrate one full year of healthy life-style changes, to recommit, refocus, and get back in the game!
Happy New Year to all of you! May your dreams and wishes come true, and may your days and weeks be full of God's grace and blessings!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Tale of Two Christmas Letters, Part II
If you read my last post, you know all about how there came to exist two Christmas letters from the Campbell Family in 2007, and you have most-likely read version number one. My wife and I work hard to maintain our address book, but due to relocations, computer crashes, and other various reasons, we inevitably find ourselves missing a few important addresses. If you are one who did not receive a hard copy of our letter and current pictures to go with, please accept our apologies. Your absence in our address book is certainly not to be taken personally!
As promised, I have included the traditional version of our annual greetings below, as well as our holiday pictures. We wish you a warm and wonderful holiday celebration, and a prosperous New Year! - The Campbell Family
Season’s Greetings One and All!
The tree is up and adorned with its decorations, holiday displays dot the neighborhood, and carols new and old fill the airwaves of local radio stations. Several rounds of Christmas goodies have gone to their various destinations, and holiday gatherings are abundant. Even Mother Nature has joined the scene, adding a few blasts of winter precipitation to create the proper landscape. As the kids watch an old Christmas movie favorite, it seems the perfect moment to compose our annual recap of the year’s events & highlights.
Korynne turned one in May, and is constantly on the go while trying to keep up with her two older siblings. She loves to explore most everything, and even caused Mommy’s first-ever call to poison control this summer. She’s proven to be quite fearless while scaling the tallest cupboards, counters, and tables. Frankly, we’re beginning to believe she thinks of herself as immortal as she has no qualms about tackling Daddy, or throwing herself in the middle of a family wresting match. Her willingness to play rough, though, is countered by her sweet and loving disposition. Korynne’s vocabulary is expanding quickly as she surprises us with a new word almost daily.
It’s been quite a busy year for the princess of the house. Madilyn turned three in August, and began preschool (or “pretty school” as she refers to it) in September. She has made lots of new friends, and rarely comes home without a new story to tell. While Madilyn has proven to be quite the strong-willed little girl, she is very willing to help Mommy and Daddy with various tasks around the house, her favorite being meal preparation. She seems to have fallen in love with the color pink, as she will often mention the need to go shopping for more “pink princess stuff.”
Big-brother Kaedyn is just a few weeks away from his ninth birthday, and is thoroughly enjoying third grade. He’s seen his share of past struggles in school staying focused and knowing when it is appropriate to “goof off.” He has put most of those issues behind him, however, and has taken a giant step forward in his maturity. In his spare time, you can find him buried in an exciting new book, and he is usually at or near the top of his class in terms of total minutes spent reading each month. Kaedyn continues to enjoy (most of the time) and excel in his role as big brother, especially since they are a good audience for his brand of humor - he loves to make others laugh, and is quite good at it!
Being home to raise her kids is an element of her life Mandi truly cherishes, but make no mistake; her calendar is always quite full! She’s in her twelfth year at Advantage Personnel, where she serves part-time doing marketing and office support, and continues to enjoy the social element of selling candles for PartyLite. In November, Mandi completed training to become a Doula, and will begin assisting mommies-to-be in their birthing processes. She’s so excited about her new adventure, and looks forward to continuing her studies in this field. Mandi continues to serve as the Finance Coordinator with her Mothers of Preschoolers group at church, and traveled to Nashville in September for their annual convention. She considers herself blessed to be part of such a tight-knit group of friends. Mandi has also made some big changes in her life, including daily exercise & healthy eating, helping her to lose almost 50 pounds. We also surprised Mandi with a party to celebrate her 30th birthday in July.
September began Kevin’s fifth year as an Emergency Services Dispatcher for Lincoln and Lancaster County. He continues to enjoy his work, and is currently awaiting an interview for a supervisory position. He recently began a new business adventure with MonaVie, and is in the throws of learning the finer points of presenting their product. After losing nearly 110 pounds, Kevin has set a goal to run the Lincoln Marathon in May of ’09. His training is underway, and he continues to research the best ways to continue his healthier living. His favorite pastime, though, is being a Daddy as he just can’t seem to get enough of his kids.
As we add the finishing touches to another year full of God’s grace and blessings, we pray for a warm and peaceful holiday season for each of you. May your New Year be full of the hope which comes through the birth and presence of Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!
Love, the Campbell Family –
Kevin, Mandi, Kaedyn, Madilyn, and Korynne

Being home to raise her kids is an element of her life Mandi truly cherishes, but make no mistake; her calendar is always quite full! She’s in her twelfth year at Advantage Personnel, where she serves part-time doing marketing and office support, and continues to enjoy the social element of selling candles for PartyLite. In November, Mandi completed training to become a Doula, and will begin assisting mommies-to-be in their birthing processes. She’s so excited about her new adventure, and looks forward to continuing her studies in this field. Mandi continues to serve as the Finance Coordinator with her Mothers of Preschoolers group at church, and traveled to Nashville in September for their annual convention. She considers herself blessed to be part of such a tight-knit group of friends. Mandi has also made some big changes in her life, including daily exercise & healthy eating, helping her to lose almost 50 pounds. We also surprised Mandi with a party to celebrate her 30th birthday in July.
September began Kevin’s fifth year as an Emergency Services Dispatcher for Lincoln and Lancaster County. He continues to enjoy his work, and is currently awaiting an interview for a supervisory position. He recently began a new business adventure with MonaVie, and is in the throws of learning the finer points of presenting their product. After losing nearly 110 pounds, Kevin has set a goal to run the Lincoln Marathon in May of ’09. His training is underway, and he continues to research the best ways to continue his healthier living. His favorite pastime, though, is being a Daddy as he just can’t seem to get enough of his kids.
As we add the finishing touches to another year full of God’s grace and blessings, we pray for a warm and peaceful holiday season for each of you. May your New Year be full of the hope which comes through the birth and presence of Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!
Love, the Campbell Family –
Kevin, Mandi, Kaedyn, Madilyn, and Korynne

Thursday, December 20, 2007
A Tale of Two Christmas Letters, Part I
Mandi and I finally finished writing our annual holiday letter this week, and they have all been folded, enveloped (is that a word?), and stamped. If they haven't already reached their destinations, they are well on their way. Normally, I enjoy composing our letter each year and look forward to recapping all of the events. The process is especially enjoyable when I have a hot cup of flavored coffee, a little Christmas music, and a few lights strung up to set the mood.
This year, though, was a tough one in which to find such joy. I found myself really struggling to wrap my brain around the magnitude of tragedies which affected our local community and beyond. Trying to compose a warm, feel-good Holiday letter in the midst of all the hurt was difficult at best.
Interestingly enough, I wound up with two letters. The first one was more of an effort to somehow cope with the aforementioned tragedies. After reading it, Mandi calmly told me it was well-written, but was definitely more blog-material as opposed to Christmas letter material. She was right, of course, and so I have copied onto this post for your reading pleasure, should you so choose. The second version of our letter was more traditional, and I will post that one separately for those of you who do not normally receive a hard copy and would be interested in reading it.
Here is the first version, which Mandi referred to as "Rev-Kevology." Cute, eh?
This year, though, was a tough one in which to find such joy. I found myself really struggling to wrap my brain around the magnitude of tragedies which affected our local community and beyond. Trying to compose a warm, feel-good Holiday letter in the midst of all the hurt was difficult at best.
Interestingly enough, I wound up with two letters. The first one was more of an effort to somehow cope with the aforementioned tragedies. After reading it, Mandi calmly told me it was well-written, but was definitely more blog-material as opposed to Christmas letter material. She was right, of course, and so I have copied onto this post for your reading pleasure, should you so choose. The second version of our letter was more traditional, and I will post that one separately for those of you who do not normally receive a hard copy and would be interested in reading it.
Here is the first version, which Mandi referred to as "Rev-Kevology." Cute, eh?
Season’s Greetings One and All!
The tree is up and adorned with its decorations, holiday displays dot the neighborhood, and carols new and old fill the airwaves of the local radio stations. Several rounds of Christmas goodies have gone to their various destinations, and holiday gatherings are abundant. Even Mother Nature has joined the scene, adding a few blasts of winter precipitation in order to create the proper landscape.
Such festive celebration, though, seems somewhat faded in the midst of the numerous tragic events over the past several days: a troubled teen walked into an Omaha mall with a high-powered rifle strapped to his shoulder and opened fire, killing eight people before taking his own life; four people died after gunmen opened fire at two Colorado churches; gunfire was exchanged between a couple of high school students in Los Angeles, all over somebody’s girlfriend; a bank in Lincoln was robbed at gunpoint yesterday. A few hours later, a father became upset after his daughter’s order wasn’t corrected at a Lincoln Wendy’s, so he pulled a gun on the young employee and threatened to kill him. Not to mention the ongoing carnage in Iraq, fighting in the Middle East, and on and on and on.
All of these events took place against the backdrop of our church’s Christmas drama. The storyline was centered around “Holly,” who struggled to find the peace and contentment which comes from understanding the meaning of Christmas. Near the end of the drama, Holly learned the meaning of Christmas comes from the knowledge and presence of Christ. It has admittedly been a struggle during this dark stretch of history to find and or feel the presence of Christ, and to know He is with us.
Fast-forward to this morning. We awoke to the first day of clear, blue sky and bright sunshine in quite some time, which immediately worked wonders for our attitudes. After our morning breakfast ritual, we piled into the van and began our trek to school to drop Kaedyn off for another adventurous day of third grade. Our next stop would be Belmont Recreation Center, where Madilyn would join her new friends for preschool, and then back home to hang out with 19-month-old Korynne. On the way home, a discussion began on the radio station we were tuned into about a single mom with three kids who had become homeless after a series of unfortunate and life-changing events. Thanks in-part to donations from that station’s listeners, the family was given a new home and a fresh start. The host of the show repeatedly thanked the listeners for their charity, but also mentioned hope as being a factor in this mom’s life.
Hope. Hearing that word struck a chord of beautiful resonance. We came to realize one of many messages from Christmas, and maybe the most important one for this year. In so many facets of this life, Jesus represents and embodies a sense of hope for each of us. God sent his Son so we could have hope, even during the seemingly darkest of days. If there were ever a central, basic message in all of the teachings of Jesus, it would have to be one of hope. Even in the darkest of days, when we struggle to comprehend life’s events, we have hope. Jesus not only represented hope, but provided us with a model of fortitude to change the world for the greater good, to press on through dark times, and most importantly, always feel God’s presence regardless of life’s circumstances.
From our house to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas, filled with a sense of hope, encouragement, and the presence of Christ. God Bless.
The tree is up and adorned with its decorations, holiday displays dot the neighborhood, and carols new and old fill the airwaves of the local radio stations. Several rounds of Christmas goodies have gone to their various destinations, and holiday gatherings are abundant. Even Mother Nature has joined the scene, adding a few blasts of winter precipitation in order to create the proper landscape.
Such festive celebration, though, seems somewhat faded in the midst of the numerous tragic events over the past several days: a troubled teen walked into an Omaha mall with a high-powered rifle strapped to his shoulder and opened fire, killing eight people before taking his own life; four people died after gunmen opened fire at two Colorado churches; gunfire was exchanged between a couple of high school students in Los Angeles, all over somebody’s girlfriend; a bank in Lincoln was robbed at gunpoint yesterday. A few hours later, a father became upset after his daughter’s order wasn’t corrected at a Lincoln Wendy’s, so he pulled a gun on the young employee and threatened to kill him. Not to mention the ongoing carnage in Iraq, fighting in the Middle East, and on and on and on.
All of these events took place against the backdrop of our church’s Christmas drama. The storyline was centered around “Holly,” who struggled to find the peace and contentment which comes from understanding the meaning of Christmas. Near the end of the drama, Holly learned the meaning of Christmas comes from the knowledge and presence of Christ. It has admittedly been a struggle during this dark stretch of history to find and or feel the presence of Christ, and to know He is with us.
Fast-forward to this morning. We awoke to the first day of clear, blue sky and bright sunshine in quite some time, which immediately worked wonders for our attitudes. After our morning breakfast ritual, we piled into the van and began our trek to school to drop Kaedyn off for another adventurous day of third grade. Our next stop would be Belmont Recreation Center, where Madilyn would join her new friends for preschool, and then back home to hang out with 19-month-old Korynne. On the way home, a discussion began on the radio station we were tuned into about a single mom with three kids who had become homeless after a series of unfortunate and life-changing events. Thanks in-part to donations from that station’s listeners, the family was given a new home and a fresh start. The host of the show repeatedly thanked the listeners for their charity, but also mentioned hope as being a factor in this mom’s life.
Hope. Hearing that word struck a chord of beautiful resonance. We came to realize one of many messages from Christmas, and maybe the most important one for this year. In so many facets of this life, Jesus represents and embodies a sense of hope for each of us. God sent his Son so we could have hope, even during the seemingly darkest of days. If there were ever a central, basic message in all of the teachings of Jesus, it would have to be one of hope. Even in the darkest of days, when we struggle to comprehend life’s events, we have hope. Jesus not only represented hope, but provided us with a model of fortitude to change the world for the greater good, to press on through dark times, and most importantly, always feel God’s presence regardless of life’s circumstances.
From our house to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas, filled with a sense of hope, encouragement, and the presence of Christ. God Bless.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
And So It Goes...
The Lady Huskers saw their volleyball season come to a rather abrupt end the other night while competing in the NCAA tournament. The Huskers were one of eight remaining teams competing for a national title, and were expected to be in the final four. But, alas! The California Golden Bears had plans of their own, and shocked the Huskers by sweeping them three-games-to-none. It was a sad night in Husker Nation. I haven't posted about the volleyball team in quite some time, but you may remember my relenting about the Huskers' loss at Texas about midway through the season. While that match was their only loss of the regular season, the ladies never quite seemed to gain their finesse back. Texas exposed some weaknesses in Nebraska, and found some chinks in their immortal armor.
And so we move on. There is much to be excited about right now in Husker Nation. The football team has a new coach, Bo Pelini, who seems to be much more in touch with the residents of the state, and the direction of the program. This was never more evident than when Pelini was first introduced as the head coach. His first act as head coach was to turn all attention to his wife and kids as he thanked them for their continued support. He acknowledged the difficulty in being a spouse of a football coach, bouncing from job to job and location to location. Pelini immediately began forging an atmosphere of family and tight-knit relationships, which is expected to carry over to the athletic department. Yes, Husker Nation is filled with anticipation once again!
Meanwhile, the men's basketball team is looking better and better under the guidance of second-year head coach Doc Saddler. Husker Hoops has never resembled anything close to a national contender, but things are looking up as they continue to be competitive. Look out, Jayhawks, here come the Huskers! (Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch, but aim high, right??)
And so we move on. There is much to be excited about right now in Husker Nation. The football team has a new coach, Bo Pelini, who seems to be much more in touch with the residents of the state, and the direction of the program. This was never more evident than when Pelini was first introduced as the head coach. His first act as head coach was to turn all attention to his wife and kids as he thanked them for their continued support. He acknowledged the difficulty in being a spouse of a football coach, bouncing from job to job and location to location. Pelini immediately began forging an atmosphere of family and tight-knit relationships, which is expected to carry over to the athletic department. Yes, Husker Nation is filled with anticipation once again!
Meanwhile, the men's basketball team is looking better and better under the guidance of second-year head coach Doc Saddler. Husker Hoops has never resembled anything close to a national contender, but things are looking up as they continue to be competitive. Look out, Jayhawks, here come the Huskers! (Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch, but aim high, right??)
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